


Heeey! How are you?

It has been a while since we’ve hung out like this and I don’t know about you but I have quite a bit to catch you up on. Most people save the best until last but not me - at least not today.

* pauses for dramatic effect *

For years and years I have said I wanted to change gears career-wise and the time has finally come where I say, ‘Farewell, Corrosion Engineering and Heeeey, Marketing & Communications!’ No joke. This last week saw me trying out my new role in the marketing & communications department at the Royal Exchange Theatre and I couldn’t be happier.

I am not going to lie, I most definitely found it scary to close the door to Chemical Engineering to spend more time honing my ability to write; however, this last week has proven to me I made the right choice. I got my first set of notes on a press release I wrote and believe me when I say it is going to be framed :)

Pushing past your comfort zone to learn or try out something new is always going to make you think thrice but if there is anything I have learnt so far is that it may very well be worth it. So, allow me to get on my soapbox to say: if there is something you have been wanting to do but have not yet taken the leap, opportunities will arise for you to do so & I hope one of these day, you’ll be brave enough to jump!