

if only i left my house looking like this…

if only i left my house looking like this…

i’ve hit a new lockdown low. even for me. they say sharing is caring so here’s what went down:

yesterday, at about 8pm, i start to imagine what it’d be like to be in bed with a fresh haul of snacks. the grapes and carrots in the fridge weren’t making me jump for joy so i decided a trip to morrisons was in order. at first i called my brother to see if he could get some crips on his way back from going to get some dinner from dixy’s. he agrees but then i decided to go out and get them myself as morrisons is only 5 minutes away. so, i put on my ugg boots, find my mask, grab my card and my tote bag and head out the flat.


i know the aisles like i know how i like my tea. i grab a packet of lightly salted tortillas because i noticed pringles shad gone up to £3.25 (shocking, i know), a packet of metcalfe’s salted popcorn and some cashew nuts. i head over to the till, say hi to the cashier i know know quite well, pay for my stuff and head home. but on my way out though, i catch my reflection in the store window on my way out and almost skip several heartbeats.

i’m wearing my bonnet.

and no, of course it’s not hidden in under my hoodie. it is out for the whole covid ridden world to see and i’m mortified. “thankfully” it matches my mask in terms of colour scheme and pattern but damn. i literally don’t care what i look like anymore and i’m not sure that’s necessarily a good thing. i dread to think what’s going to happen when the lockdown’s are a thing of the past…

Life EditMo Ray