

living is where intention resides.

these past few months have seen me go through the motions, barely clinging to things that keep me sane. my body felt like a stranger, my mind had almost given up on fending for itself, and my soul felt deflated. and with my contract at work coming to an end soon, i’ve been overwhelmed by fear of what comes next as i struggle to visualise what my next chapter could be. a sense of disconnect and disjointedness has followed me so closely, i’ve had no choice but to stop and surrender to it all.

my yoga mat is a place where i feel safe enough to lay everything down, to pause, to rebuild. my journal is another. sometimes i forget this and it takes me a long and dark time to find my way back to these two points but when i do, things inevitably start to fall into place. and as i began to crawl closer to my 32nd birthday (which i celebrated this month), i set an intention to be honest with myself, to go about my days mindfully. and surprisingly, i initially found this hard to do.

creating a vision board is where i chose to begin my journey back to myself, my purpose, and i can honestly say i haven’t been able to do this yet. everything i save on Pinterest feels fragmented but also close to what i want. i’ve been slowly tuning out what other people think i should do and honing in on listening to myself first and nurturing my opinions on things. letting go of perfectionism, of a need to race through things, of wanting to control things has been tricky but quite fun and freeing. and doing the things i actually want to do and slowing down enough to create a life i truly want despite the ticking clock has opened my eyes to ways of living that feel more me.

i’m definitely loving this new “fuck it whilst being intentional & mindful” era. and although things still aren’t as clear as i’d like them to be, my confidence in myself and my choices has grown and i’m honestly enjoying this stage of my journey. and one other thing that helped me get to this point was taking Mimi Chao’s Mindful Growth Skillshare class. if you’re also at a point in your life where you need to check in with yourself and shape a more meaningful life, do check out this class (and all her other ones as well tbh). i doubt you’d regret it. currently taking her Drawing Foundations class and i’m loving it. she’s one of my favourite artists and so when she dropped this class in my favorite month i was overjoyed as i’d been looking for something like this for years and now i’ve found it.

i want to live my life fully, not live to work solely. there’s more to life and i want to experience it. i trust you’re taking control of your life and creating the version you want and deserve in ways that fulfill you.

speak soon.