
Attitude Towards Gratitude

My eyelids are heavy and tempted by the beauty of sleep to close and send me off to where dreams are made. I sit here at work contemplating life, mine in particular. I listen to the movements of people in the office, the rapid click-clacking of keyboards and the whirring of fans, wondering how did I get here? 

I am aware of the fact that at this exact moment, thousands of miles away, there are hundreds of thousands of people asking the same question as they come to grips with the fact that they no longer have 'that meeting to go to' or 'that cake to bake for their child's 2nd birthday' or 'the chance to watch the most anticipated film of the year at the cinema' due to the devastating chaos Haiyan left in its wake.

Thinking of the grave difference between my problems and theirs I feel an overwhelming amount of guilt. Guilt for not taking the time every day to be appreciate the beauty in my life. Uncertainty and anxiety make themselves comfortable within me as I attempt to put myself in the shoes of a girl who is sat somewhere in the Philippines wondering if her family is ok; if she will have something to eat tonight; and how will she get passed this. My mind quickly fights off the lethargic spell and gains some perspective.

Yes, I have problems and can chose to wallow in them but there is someone out there who wishes for what I have now. My thoughts go out to those who feel that their world has literally or metaphorically come crashing down or that life is not as fun as it could be. I pray that we all get passed it.

So, what am I thankful for?

A bunch of great people that have found their way into my life. Books. I really love books. Food. I am thankful that I have had something to eat for most most of my meals. L'Occitane hand creams! There are lush! Nature. The world around is kind of cool when you appreciate its uniqueness. A selection of writers, directors, film & tv crews, producers and musicians whose work inspire me and sucks me into their worlds for 3 minutes or 3 hours (Indian movies are the ish yo!) at a time. The internet. It is a vast, creepy and exciting thing where we find answers to difficult and easy questions; it is where great sites like Youtube, Facebook and a plethora of blogs live. Oo! My laptop. Oh how great portability can be :D. My job. Earning money is fun and useful in life. My bed. Although I have some issues with it at the moment, it is a comfy place to lay my head at night. God's grace and blessings. No matter how subtle or big they may be, I am thankful that I am at least alive today. And you guys. Yes, you reading this. You make my baby feel loved :D

Those are a few things that I am grateful for. I do not celebrate Thanksgiving but I have to say it has got me thinking. So, to those of my readers who celebrate this day:

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am also aware that it is Hanukkah right now so, to those of you who celebrate this period:

Happy Hanukkah!

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx