

I don't know about you but my hands get pretty dry in the colder months. So much so that looking for the ultimate hand cream has now become a "thing" for me this year. I am going to be completely honest here. I am a complete novice when it comes to skincare but I am enjoying this quest so far.

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In 2011 I was given some Soap and Glory products by my buddy Lucy, either for my birthday or Christmas, and completely fell in love with the brand. Amongst those products was their Hand Food non-greasy hand cream. I quickly ditched the Vaseline hand cream that was in my bag at the time and never looked back. I find it amazing that I even remember this because those who know me well know that my memory is a bit naff hehe. Anyway, in the November issue of Marie Claire there was one of the best freebies in town - a tube of L'Occitane's Creme Mains hand cream. I chose the Subtle Violet one and found out that it was quite moisturising but . Even though I went through the tube quite quickly - it only lasted about a month - *sad face* I really did like it as it smelt and felt great! When I squeezed out the last bit of cream from the tube I sadly walked to Boots in search of another hand cream - enter Sanctuary Spa's hand cream. I decided to purchase this one mostly because I has a Sanctuary Spa perfume once and feel in love with it's scent so I knew this would not be any different. I find that for my hands to remain moisturised for a long length of time I have to consciously rub the cream thoroughly into my skin if not I'd be reaching for the botlte again in like 10 mins. Although I am nowhere near done with this hand cream, I do find myself eyeing up other contenders when I happen to find myself in Boots or Superdrug. Thankfully I am not a skincare product junkie (...yet :/) so I tend to finish the product I am using before I pick up another one to try out. But I am looking forward to testing out more products until I find the one!

What is your favourite skincare product at the moment?

Mo xx

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