

This is a very short but moving film about abusive relationships directed by Joe Wright and stars Keira Knightely. It is a public service announcement made by Women's Aid to increase the awareness of this particular dark side to life. I stumbled upon this video yesterday on Facebook and thought I had to share it on here.

The facts about domestic violence stated at the end of the clip were shocking.

No matter how hard you think you have it in life, it's films and facts like these that remind you that someone else may have it a lot worse. I hope it doesn't come across as though I'm belittling anyone's situation; that was not my intention at all. All I meant was that from time to time we should be aware that there are people in this world that live in darker worlds than we do. It could be the cute guy working at your local Asda that helps carry your bags to your car or the lady that holds the lift for you almost every morning or us. We never know.

This got very serious didn't it?

On a lighter note, all we can do is try to be there for one another and try to put a smile on someone's face everyday.  Be it dressing up in a chicken suit and performing gangnam style; sticking a post-it note on their desk saying- "I love you lots like jelly tots"; giving someone a hug; giving to a charity of your choice; or just plain old listening intently to your neighbour complain about how much the price of butter has gone up by. Never forget:

Every little helps!

I hope you are out about and enjoying the sunshine!


Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx