

We are going to take a minor break from the Film edition of this series as I have some exciting stage production related news to share with you all. So, the main thing this month that has me on the edge of my seat is my trip down to London with my sister and my good friend Mercy to go see a stage adaptation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet at the Barbican... oooh yeah!

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Photographer: Johan Persson // Source: The Barbican

I cannot remember if I did mention that we were able to get tickets last year but we did and I cannot wait for this weekend. Earlier this year I did see a screening of Maxine Peake's take on Hamlet which I thoroughly enjoyed but did not quite manage to put a post together on what my thoughts on it were. Anyway this particular version of Hamlet, which is running for 12 weeks, is being directed by Lyndsey Turner and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Hamlet. And though our seats may not be the best, I am secretly glad they are where they are as it would deter my inner fan girl from doing anything remotely embarrassing haha.  Fingers crossed this time I will let you know what I think of this adaptation of Hamlet.

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Are any of you going to see this take on Hamlet at Barbican or the live screening of it? If you are do let me know and we can have a mini discussion about it.

Mo x