
Just Take One Strand At A Time

The 31st of December, 2013 marked the last time I will relax my 2013. Ha! Me? Go natural? We'll see. I am going back to the basics to get to know my hair again. After the braids fiasco I taking rhe care of my hair seriously. It seems ever since leaving uni all the knowledge of how to treat my hair got left behind in my halls. But my blog came to the rescue as I was able to remind myself what works for my hair. My touch-up due date is the 31st of March but I am not making it fixed as going on this Eat Pray Love journey of mine could make me do something silly like transition my hair...for a year...

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I went to town in search of pure Almond oil and maybe some more coconut oil and ended up returning to my flat with the items pictured above. Now, you would think a seasoned HHJ gal like myself would know to read the ingredients list (which I did!) and decide if the product is mostly if not wholly organic. But some sorta hair-product-junkie-juju came over me and clouded my eyes as I read the ingredients and mumbled up my brain cellscausing me to walk over to the till, products placed firmly in my palm and caged under my fingers and pay for them. When I got home I was livid! Now, in my defence the store did not have the products I was looking for and when I went to a certain other store to get it, the prices were a tad bit ridiculous. It seems that part of my brain was working just fine *shakes head* lol. Oh don't worry, each bottle was "only" £3.50 (the spray bottle was £2 I think) but stiiill!It wasn't what I really wanted. Anyway, in a bid to make the best out of a sad situation I decided to use them - there was no way I was walking back into town folks as my feet were tired and I was a little intrigued by the products I had acquired. They actually smell kinda nice. It reminded me of the time my siblings and I used Johnsons & Johnsons baby oil. I loooooved the smell of that stuff haha. I will keep you posted on how my hair reacts to them. What I do know is, come next month I am going to get a bottle of pure Almond Oil and Jamaican Black Castor oil via the internet as it seems I need to be re-trained on how to fight off  this hair-product-junkie-juju in stores.

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Whilst we are on the subject of hair, I totally just chopped off about 1.5" of mine. My ends could've raised the eyebrows of the dead they were that appalling. Honestly, they were uneven (probably still are as I don't have eyes at the back of my head- who knows what it looks like from behind *shudders*) like toes, split like the River Niger and River Benue and paper thin like... well...undernourished grass. But no matter, my hair will be revitalised in a jiffy now that I have made my 1st bottle of liquid luck for my hair (see pic). I will eventually take some pictures of it in its current state to serve as a reminder to myself to never allow this happen again.

Have you had any recent setbacks of some sort?

Mo xx