

When I saw the poster for this film floating around several months ago I was hit with the startling revelation that the last character I saw Daniel Radcliffe play was in fact Harry Potter in the HP and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2. I couldn't believe it. I mean it was not that I was not aware of his projects since HP, I guess I just didn't get round to watching any of them due to their creepy/scary nature - in case you haven't guessed by now, I don't really do horror or thriller. But when I saw the poster for this film I knew I had to watch it as I was quite intrigued to see him in a rom-com. And oh did he deliver.

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Source: Entertainment One

One Saturday morning in August I made my merry way to the cinema, got my ticket, found my favourite seat and watched a rather light-hearted romantic comedy that left me in a great mood for the rest of the day. And I am sure this does not come as a surprise to some of you - I rather quite liked the film.

As you may have guessed already from the film's poster and/or trailer, What If explores the age old question: Can guys and girls ever really be just friends? What I particularly liked about this film was the banter between the characters. It was somewhat unusual and yet quite familiar... or should I say believable? I dunno. It was fun watching how the characters interacted with each other and understanding the dynamics of the relationships formed throughout the film. What If was directed by Michael Dowse (GoonTake Me Home Tonight) and the script, which was based on the play 'Toothpaste and Cigars' written by TJ Dawe and Mike Rinaldi, was adapted by Elan Mastai (FuryAlone in the DarkMVP: Most Vertical Primate). I would really like to see this acted on stage and know how much this differs from Toothpaste and Cigars

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I am sure I am not alone in thinking this - Daniel Radcliffe nailed this role. I was not sure if he could do rom-com but after watching What If, any doubts I may have had are no more. He played a passionate, confused and witty young man called Wallace, who is trying to figure out what his purpose in life is amidst the drama his life is currently entertaining. There is zero trace of the beloved Harry Potter and we (or at least I was) are left to freely, quickly and easily grow very fond of Wallace. His eccentric, carefree best friend, Allan who comes out with some wise words once... or twice (... or maybe just once haha) is played by Adam Driver (While We Are Young;  Inside Llewyn DavisLincoln). Allan is definitely one of my favourite characters in this movie. His wardrobe, mannerisms and brief moments of clarity did make me smile. The funny, slightly awkward but very personable Chantry, Allan's cousin, is brought to life by Zoe Kazan (Ruby SparksIt's ComplicatedRevolutionary Road). I  do believe this is the first time I have seen one of her projects but I can't wait to check out her take on other characters as I really did like her performance. And it was a pleasant surprise to see Megan Parks (The Secret Life of an American TeenagerCharlie BartlettAce Lightening) in this film; she stars as Chantry's driven, act-first-think-later and perceptive sister, Dalia. But the characters I totally want to know more about are Wallace, his sister and his nephew. I found the dynamics of their relationship as well the individual characters really interesting and have tons of questions. But I guess I'm now left wondering What if...? <----- did you see what I did there?? Ha!

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Whenever you do get the chance to see this film, if you haven't already, I say give it a go. If for nothing else,to see Daniel Radcliffe easily morph into a young, sensitive and smart lad who is trying his best to navigate his 20's as well as grasp some sort of understanding of romance etiquette. And let me know if you liked it. To those who have seen it already, what your favourite moment of the film?

Also, check out this video that one of my fave Youtubers, Anna Akana, did a while ago on it. At least let this entertain you in the meantime until you set your peepers in front of a screen that shows you the full film. I thought this was definitely a cool way to advertise the film.


Mo x