

Oh how quickly these months seem to be going by. But in all fairness February was a bit of a short one so I guess I should not be too surprised that March is already here. So, what did February have in store for me I don't hear you ask? Well, last month I set myself the challenge of Connecting With People which I think I did pretty okay with considering I lean more on the reclusive introverted side of living. I went on a church retreat, spent time with the family & friends and even did a bit of professional networking. If you have the time, scroll down to find out a bit more.

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In the first week of February I found myself on a coach headed for Cefn Lea in Wales to attend a Young Adults Weekend Away trip organised by my church. This was the first one I had ever been on and was not sure what to expect but, as I found out, there was nothing to be worried about - just a lot of fun to be had. It involved munching on pizza, playing charades (okay, I watched from the sidelines as playing group games freak me out slightly which is weird I know), staying in well heated chalets, climbing a "mountain", roasting marshmallows over a camp fire and of course learning more about God's word and ourselves. I met a lot of new and lovely people which was great and also got to catch up with a few close friends from uni who decided to come along as well. That weekend was a real eye opener and left me feeling empowered and elated but also a wee bit drained as well due to their being a lot of activities packed into the weekend. 

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Then as we all know the following weekend was Valentine's Day. I spent that Saturday with my brother and had a fantastic time. We watched Jupiter Ascending, had a laugh playing with our cameras and almost OD'd on Chinese food. Could not think of a better way to spend that day. The weekend after that followed an almost similar fashion but this time I caught up with my former flatmate, Fiona over some delicious pizzas at Dough Pizza Kitchen in Northern Quarter. That place is really good guys. If you are ever in town you should check it out as their pizza selection is really unique. I had the Sticky BBQ Chicken with extra jalapeños this time round whilst Fiona had the Surf & Turf I believe. T'was very, very yummy. I also managed to swing by the Cornerhouse to check out their latest and final Cornerhouse Projects exhibition 'Full Stop' where I got the chance to see some interesting representations of a group of artists' feelings towards the Cornerhouse shutting down and becoming HOME. I also got the chance to speak to some of the artists which was really cool and may have something in store for you regarding their work. Watch this space.

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Work has been a bit hectic this past couple of months but I am trying not to let that get to me as it is all a part of life. And besides, it is better to be busy than to be sat twiddling your thumbs. Although that can be fun for a while, it gets real old real fast. Trust me, there is no amount of watching Home & Away and Neighbours on YouTube that can make you feel good about not having any work to do all week. Anyway, I am still finding it a bit hard digging deep and finding the energy to sit down and blog until my heart's content during times when my day job zaps most of my energy before the week is out. Running, Yoga and Pilates have helped out a lot but I feel I could be doing a lot more. Lately, I have been blown away by a lot of other bloggers and the work that they produce and cannot wait for the day I figure out my own unique rhythm and consistently produce work that I am proud of. Writing as you know is a huge love of mine and something I am constantly trying to improve. That and other skills like photography, baking and cinematography - am I the only one who thinks baking sticks out like a sore thumb in that list? Haha. Anyway, I am trying the slightly abandoned philosophy of "use what you have" instead of dreaming about what I want to do and plan how I will execute my projects once I get X, Y, Z. And it is actually working. Time, as they say, waits for no one so I am attempting to make the most of every ounce of it I have to live a happy and full life.

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And there it is - a snapshot, albeit a long one, of what I have been up to in February 2015. I would love to hear and /or read what February brought your way and your plans for March. Wishing you a fantastic start to this new month! See you in the next post.

Mo x

Take a peek into: Jan 2015

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