

Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Beating Again // Source: JTBC

I think I may have found a strong contender for a spot in my top 5 favourite TV Shows... like ever. I know, I know, that is quite a bold statement to make but if you have also seen this show then you will be able to understand just how powerless I am against Beating Again

Jung Kyung-ho and Jo Eun-ji in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Jung Kyung-ho and Jo Eun-ji in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

I am beyond pleased that I finally watched Beating Again - the second South Korean show I ever seen. I mean, what a way to continue my journey into exploring the art of storytelling in Korea. Granted it has set the bar fairly high but from what I have heard from numerous people is that the Koreans sure do know a thing or five about drama so I do not think I have much to worry about. Beating Again, which first aired on JTBC in April 2015 and goes by many names (Falling for Innocence or Fall in Love with Soon-Jung), was directed by Ji Yeong-su (High-End CrushBig ManMy Fair Lady) and written by Yoo Hee-kyung (Beating Again). Reeling you in with great direction, suspense-and-humour-ridden writing and fantastic acting performances, Beating Again is a show - currently on Netflix - you should definitely be giving a go. 

Kim So-yeon in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Kim So-yeon in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Jung Kyung-ho (One More Happy EndingHeartless CityManhole) stars as an indifferent, ambitious man called Kang Min-ho whose priority in life is seeking balance due to a series of lamentable events during his childhood that robbed him of his innocence. It is during Kang Min-ho's climb up the corporate ladder that we are introduced to the kind-hearted, morally sound and dutiful Kim Soon-jung - who was played by Kim So-yeon (One More Happy EndingTwo WeeksIris) - and an equally driven but caring fellow by the name of Lee Joon-Hee who was played by Yoon Hyun-min (Beautiful MindMy daughter, Geum Sa-wolHeartless City). And we cannot forget the loveable, trustworthy and funny guardian of Kang Min-ho, Oh Woo-sik (by far one of my favourite characters of the show) who was brought to life by Lee Si-eon (Remember: War of the SonModern FarmerReply 1997) or the fiercely loyal and comical friend of Kim Soon-jung, Na Ok-hyun a.k.a Wendy,who was played by Jo Eun-ji (Madam AntoineThe TargetThe Concubine), or the artful but childish Ma Dong-wook who was played by Jin Goo (Descendants of the SunNorthern Limit LineMother).

Yoon Hyun-min, Kim So-yeon and Jung Kyung-ho in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Yoon Hyun-min, Kim So-yeon and Jung Kyung-ho in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

There are sadly only 16 episodes of Beating Again - each an hour long and filled to the brim with rich storytelling goodness and arresting acting performances that it becomes incredibly hard not to hit 'next' when one episode draws to a close. I have cried, gasped, laughed, sighed, cringed and smiled whilst watching almost every episode and will definitely be watching it again for I know there are several gems I missed whilst watching the show the first time round. I have never wanted to understand Korean so fast until now as sadly for me all interviews with the cast about the show are obviously in Korean. And although I am one for absorbing more information and will definitely back the network's decision to try for a 2nd season, I must admit that I am quite content with the one awesome season we have been blessed with. However, I would very much still like to know more about Min-ho and Woo-sik's relationship as the love is so strong its hard not to be sucked in into their web of friendship... just saying.  Oh and I have to give a shout out to the costume, hair and make-up department for this show! I swear, I want almost every character's wardrobe. Even Wendy's. There is something so badass about her comfortable and airy pieces that I think I can definitely work her style into my own along with Soon-Jung and Min-Ho's fashion sense. Also the set design was more that a little enviable. Definitely has me re-thinking the currently layout of my flat and future office...

Lee Si-Eon and Jung Kyung Ho in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

Lee Si-Eon and Jung Kyung Ho in Beating Again // Source: JTBC

So, if you are looking for a new TV drama to dip your toes into and are prepared to be drawn into an emotional, entertaining and slightly-dark-at-times show that deals with crime, hope, power, loss, love and family in a cutthroat world of business then look now further than Beating Again.  You may still be wondering what the show is actually about and although the trailer below (or anything I have said above in fact) may not give you a clear idea of the show's synopsis, I highly doubt you will be disappointed by this TV drama series... trust me ;)